The MVP Facebook Group was initially set up to promote MVP activities. It has since been adopted by the community as one of the main local information channels and is very active. Posts giving or asking for information about anything going on locally are welcome. Posts range from forthcoming events, pictures of lost dogs, requests for recommendations for tradesmen, reports from the local police, requests for volunteers and anything else Mortimer feels like discussing! It is a closed group and the administrators do their best to ensure that those wishing to join live in Mortimer, nearby or have a positive connection with Mortimer.
The following rules which have been agreed by the MVP committee aim to make the group well for everyone.
1) No commercial advertising and no buy and sell please, this is not what the group was set up for. Adverts of this nature will be removed. Unsolicited recommendations also will be deleted.
2) Local job adverts and 'free to a good home' posts are accepted.
3) Do post suggestions in response to requests for recommendation for tradesmen, businesses etc. These will carry on being saved in the FAQ file We would prefer that you don't put on recommendations which are not in response to a request - this is really just a form of advertising.
4) If a comment to a post is not of general interest (for example, people asking for something which has been offered to give away and the subsequent discussions) please do this by messaging the original posting person. This will keep our page less cluttered and of interest to everyone.
5) Courteous behaviour is required by all members posting to this group. Whilst constructive criticism and discussion in posts is welcomed, members must treat other members with respect. Systematic and/or continued actions to provoke, torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person conclude that the MVP Facebook page is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation will lead to offending posts being removed, warnings from Admins and, if continued, the member being removed from the group.
6) Threatening, abusive or insulting comments will be deleted and the member immediately removed from the group.
7) Membership requests – publicly available profiles, pictures, friends lists and posting content will be looked at before membership is approved. If we can not see your profile we will not Approve your membership. If a profile is perceived as being a pseudonym then it will be declined.
8) Age Restriction; Membership to the MVP group is restricted to Over 16’s, we will check and remove anyone that does not meet this criteria.
9) We strongly advise that you do not mention or post about going away on holidays, weekends away or times/periods where you are out and your house is unattended.
10) No blatant Bumping, at least try to be creative and bring new information to the post. Bumping can lead to the deletion of the original post.
11) Admins will apply these rules in real time. Any member removals under rules 5 & 6 will be reviewed at the next MVP meeting which the member involved is free to attend.