The aim of MVP Affiliated Group Membership is to promote community cooperation and cohesion.
It is important that all affiliated local groups engage with a community spirit, help each other, communicate with the village and work to ensure we all actively enhance village life.
For an annual £10 fee MVP provide a number of practical benefits, amongst which is the lending of our equipment for local affiliated group events. (Local being Mortimer surrounding hamlets and villages)
We appreciate where possible, reciprocal lending by affiliated groups to each other and to MVP
Borrowing of MVP Equipment:-
All equipment is lent at the MVP’s discretion. A donation towards maintenance and repair is suggested, with the requested amount for a large 12 x 6 metre tent being £25.
See separate extensive list. The equipment available from fellow affiliated groups appear at the bottom of the list.
Laminating and Photocopying. Printing a single A3 B/W sheet the charge is 30p or 60p including laminating. We are sorry, we can no longer provide colour photo copying.
MVP Newsletter. Affiliated groups will be given priority space in the MVP Newsletter which is produced 3 times a year Spring, Summer and Autumn and distributed to every household in MORTIMER plus many surrounding villages.
MVP Logo. Affiliated groups are entitled if they wish to display/use the MVP Logo.
Support from the MVP via our Facebook and Twitter pages with over 3000 members, our MVP Events page on Facebook, and via Mortimer Events Facebook page and use of our prominent notice board outside Budgens.
Monthly event listings on the noticeboard, plus contact information and regular updates.
MVP Website Calendar - linked to Facebook and Twitter, a place where many villages go to find out ‘What’s on’. MVP Website directory listing – this can be linked to your own website or, if you do not have one, we may be able to provide a web page on our site.
Café B Burghfield – publicity using their ‘rolling screen’ on display in the café. We can supply a screen template.
Please contact us if there is something that your group would like to do that the MVP may be able to help with.