We are a group for all artisans, artists and crafters local to Mortimer who create and produce their own handmade goods, with a wide range of members from bee keepers, woodturners, glass artists and photographers. A friendly and supportive group, we meet regularly (usually on the second Thursday of the month, in the evening) to share ideas, gain inspiration, ask advice from each other and generally share a passion for making things!
We run craft evenings which are open to all on an ad-hoc basis and we also currently run the children's craft activities at Mortimer library which take place on the second Saturday of the month from 10.30 - 12, which is free and open to all children aged 3 - 11 with no need to book. We also aim to collectively raise the profile of the crafters in the village and encourage a more ‘buy local’ ethos and arrange markets for our members to display their wares, three times a year.