Spring Clean 2025
Our “Spring Clean” litter pick will take place on 22rd March, from 12:30pm until 3:30pm and meeting as usual on the Fairground opposite the Horse & Groom. For those who are new to the village, this is an annual event to ready our village for Spring and a great chance for you to get involved in a little community volunteering. Litter pickers, gloves and sacks are provided, we just need you to volunteer an hour or so of your time to help us keep Mortimer tidy.
Greening Mortimer
The Greening Mortimer group aims to help reduce our daily carbon footprint by making small and simple changes to the way we live. They have two sub-groups, Space for Nature and Energy. The Energy sub-group are busy this winter deploying their thermal cameras to help villagers conserve heat in their homes. More information below including how to request a camera session.
MVP Fun Day is back
Mortimer Funday Returns Saturday 05 July 2025
After a seven-year hiatus, the ever-popular Mortimer Fun Day will return on Saturday 05 July 2025.
The event will be held on Mortimer Fairground and will be hosted by Mortimer Village Partnership (MVP) and Mortimer Music Live (MML).
Latest bag2school collection
Thank you so much for your help. We have raised £1205 to be split equally between the three schools giving them £401.67 each.
For 2023 a total of £1120.33 for each school.
Thanks as always,
Jo, Peta & Rebecca
Mountain Music, St John’s Hall, Mortimer – 30th September
Mountain Music brought to you by Little Bulb Theatre played to a packed and appreciative St John's Hall last Saturday.
Mortimer Football Club in action Sept 9th
Mens Teams
Results today. Mixed fortunes for the villagers.
Burghfield 2 - 1 Mortimer
Mortimer res 3 - 1 Slough Heating Laurenxians res
Youth Teams
Great start to the season for U13 team. Going 3-1 down by half time. Amazing 2nd half and managed to catch a couple of goals to see.
Remembrance Sunday 2023
As usual Mortimer marked Remembrance Sunday with a uniformed parade to the war memorial where there was a short service and 2 minute silence. This was followed by a service at St John's where the roll of Honour was read.
The Roll of Honour is a list of those from Mortimer who gave their lives in the First and Second World wars. Their names are on the memorial, the list including the units in which they served are as follows:
The aim of this page is to collect information about all local recycling opportunities, whether just good ways of disposing of things locally or where a group is collecting something to raise funds. Please use the Contact Us form to send us details of any recycling opportunities you know about which aren't listed. |
The Graves of Local Men who Died in France in 1918
We use our Twitter feed to tweet and retweet useful local information. All of the day's events from our calendar are tweeted each morning at 8am, and then each event has a reminder tweet one hour before the event start time.
Please follow @VillageMortimer if you want to get quick updates on village events from the MVP.