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Social Isolation and Loneliness

Representatives from the MVP Lunch Club were invited to attend a West Berks conference on Social Isolation and Loneliness on the 8th February. Keynote speakers included Richard Benyon and Mims Davies, the Minister for Sport and Civil Society, welcoming the chance to meet those in communities that have come up with their own unique ways to help ease social isolation and loneliness. Many groups throughout the county sent representatives to discuss how collectively we can ease the prevalence of social isolation and loneliness in our communities. From village Halls, church groups, to lunch clubs, charities and community shops we were all given the opportunity to brainstorm what works for us and what help can be gained from other experiences. Mortimer is in a better position than some areas, although we recognise that the people most at need we cannot yet reach. The new initiative of Social Prescribing was welcomed by all and here in Mortimer we look forward to working with our local surgery to try and help those who would benefit.